CreationDate: "Monday, February 08, 1999 10:06:12"
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Source: "theVal = SELF\nthePath = _theHome.AsString + \"\\images\\\" + theVal\nif (not (theVal.IsNull)) then\n if (File.Exists(thePath.AsFileName)) then\n ',\"\")\n i = ImageWin.Make(thePath.AsFileName, theVal)\n i.Open\n 'thePicView = AV.GetProject.FindDoc(\"images\")\n 'for each I in thePicView.GetThemes\n 'thePicView.DeleteTheme(I)\n 'end\n 'NewTheme = Theme.make(srcname.make(thePath))\n 'NewTheme.setVisible(true)\n 'thePicView.addTheme(NewTheme)\n
'thePicView.getwin.activate \n else\n MsgBox.Warning(\"File \"+theVal+\" not found.\",\"Hot Link\")\n end\nend\n"
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CreationDate: "Thursday, February 04, 1999 12:48:02"
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Source: "' Startup\n\n' Function: Displays banner and sets event updates for entire project\n' Developed by: Gregory Gunther, and Laura R.H. Biewick,\n\n' Variable definitions\n\n' Defines setting for project\nav.Maximize\nav.SetName(\"Geologic Assessment of Coal in the Colorado Plateau : United States Geological Survey\")\nProjWin = av.GetProject\nProjWin.GetWin.Minimize\n\n' Opens initial view\nthePath = AV.GetProject.GetFilename\n_theHome = thePath.returndir.returndir\n theDoc = av.GetProject
.FindDoc(\"Colorado Plateau Assessment Areas with ArcView Project\")\n theDoc.GetWin.Open\n theDoc.GetWin.Maximize\n theDoc.GetWin.Activate\n\natool = av.FindGui(\"Opening View\").GetToolBar.GetControls.Get(8)\natool.Select\natool.Update\n\npath = \"cp/misc/display.gif\".AsString 'Path to banner image\nMsgBox.Banner(path.AsFileName, 0, \"Geologic Assessment of Coal in the Colorado Plateau\")\npath = \"cp/misc/message.gif\".AsString 'Path to banner image\nMsgBox.Banner(path.AsFileName, 0, \"Geologic Assessment of Coal in
the Colorado Plateau\")\npath = \"cp/misc/title.gif\".AsString 'Path to banner image\nMsgBox.Banner(path.AsFileName, 25, \"National Coal Assessment\")\n\n_stopIt = FALSE 'Note: \"_stopIt = FALSE\" allows view refresh, \"_stopIt = TRUE\" turns off automatic refresh\n\n' MsgBox.Info(\"The help file provides some tailored help to get users started. It is accessible by clicking on the mortarboard button in the main menu.\".AsString, \"National Coal Assessment\")\n\n' results =\"script1\",ProjWin) \n_theHomePath = FileName.Ge
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Name: "Colorado Plateau Assessment Areas with ArcView Project"
CreationDate: "Tuesday, February 16, 1999 04:00:20"